Deliberize Pricing Schedule

A. Base Fee

$2,499per case

This is the fee for a single, initial analysis run of a piece of User Content (audio/video or transcript) submitted by Customer. For audio/video this includes up to 120 minutes of User Content submitted by Customer for analysis in the same case, and one (1) initial analysis by Deliberize, plus up to 25 "chatbot queries" as defined in our Terms of Use located on our Website.

The Base Fee Analysis includes:

  • Transcription
  • Summary
  • Key insights
  • Trial strategy recommendations
  • Trial graphics recommendations
  • Key topics and entities
  • Jurors
  • Transcript analysis (textual analysis such as word frequency)
  • Suggested voir dire questions (including reasoning, desirable answers, undesirable answers, and followup questions)
  • The ability to download up to 10 clips from the video uploaded as User Content, with an additional fee of $20 per clip after that

B. Additional Fee for Longer Content

+$30per minute

Additional fee for analyzing User Content (audio/video) having a runtime that exceeds 120 minutes.

C. Fee for Additional Analysis

$999per additional analysis

Fee for a separate analysis of another piece of User Content (audio/video or transcript) submitted in the same case.

D. Additional Chatbot Queries

$99per additional 25 queries

Fee for additional chatbot queries beyond the 25 included in the Base Fee.

E. Fee per Seat License

+$499per additional seat license

A Seat License enables the Customer to share a case with another registered user.

PLEASE NOTE: This Pricing Schedule is governed by the Terms of Use on our Website, which provides further information about the above Pricing Tiers. The Pricing Tiers are set forth in the Online Purchases and Pricing section of the Terms of Use.

LOW BONO: Deliberize is committed to making our services accessible to all. Public defenders and non-profits are eligible for a discount on our services. Contact us for details.